Pojasnilo 11. 6. 2024


Seznam tujih revij, ki so vključene v mednarodno bazo podatkov
do 2013


ISSN Revija Založnik/Izdajatelj
0253-682X äAräogya. Journal of Health Sciences Kasturba Medical College Trust.
0906-4710 Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica Taylor & Francis
1651-1913 Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0001-5121 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Almqvist and Wiksell / Gebers Forlag
1588-2527 Acta agronomica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
0238-0161 Acta agronomica Hungaricae [S.n.]
0139-3006 Acta alimentaria Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2535 Acta alimentaria (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
0138-4988 Acta biotechnologica Wiley-VCH
1521-3846 Acta biotechnologica Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0231-3146 Acta chimica Hungarica Akadémiai K.
0907-4449 Acta crystallographica Munksgaard
1399-0047 Acta crystallographica (e-vir) Munksgaard
0567-7572 Acta horticulturae International Society for Horticultural Science
2406-6168 Acta horticulturae (e-vir) International Society for Horticultural Science
0001-6195 Acta Microbiologica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0065-2164 Advances in applied microbiology Academic Press
0065-2210 Advances in biochemical engineering Springer.
0065-2318 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry Academic Press.
0065-2415 Advances in chromatography M. Dekker
2153-991X Advances in chromatography (e-vir) CRC Press; M. Dekker
1431-7737 Advances in food sciences Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Analytische Chemie, Technische Universität München
0394-6169 Advances in horticultural science University of Florence, Department of horticulture
1592-1573 Advances in horticultural science (e-vir) Firenze University Press.
0065-3233 Advances in protein chemistry Academic Press
1022-663X Agrarforschung Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
0742-4477 Agribusiness Wiley
1520-6297 Agribusiness (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0044-6793 Agricultura em São Paulo Instituto de Economia Agricola
1239-0992 Agricultural and food science in Finland Agricultural Research Centre of Finland
1229-2737 Agricultural chemistry and biotechnology han'gug nonghwahaghoe
0169-5150 Agricultural economics Elsevier
1574-0862 Agricultural economics (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.; Blackwell
0379-0827 Agricultural economics report - Agricultural Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Agricultural Research Institute.
0099-1066 Agricultural outlook The Service
0365-2807 Agricultura técnica Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
0717-6333 Agricultura técnica (e-vir) Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
0551-3677 Agriculture Plant production research centre
1338-4376 Agriculture (e-vir) Plant Production Research Center Piešťany
0167-8809 Agriculture, ecosystems & environment Elsevier
1873-2305 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (e-vir) Elsevier
0716-1689 Agro-ciencia Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales, Universidad de Concepción
0718-3216 Agro-ciencia (e-vir) Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales, Universidad de Concepción
0002-1911 Agronomia Lusitana Biblioteca da Estacao Agronomica Nacional
1021-7444 Agronomía mesoamericana Universidad de Costa Rica, Estación experimental Fabio Baudrit Moreno.
2215-3608 Agronomía mesoamericana (e-vir) Universidad de Costa Rica
0249-5627 Agronomie Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0002-1962 Agronomy journal American Society of Agronomy
1435-0645 Agronomy journal Springer.
0125-1147 Ahan Institute of Food Research and Product Development, Kasetsat University
0212-1689 Alimentación, equipos y tecnología Alción
0300-5755 Alimentaria [s.n.]
0716-0968 Alimentos Sociedad Chilena de Tecnología de Alimentos
0103-4235 Alimentos e Nutrição Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
2179-4448 Alimentos e Nutrição (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
0002-5496 Alkohol-Industrie Team-Verlag Müller
0105-4538 Allergy Munksgaard
1398-9995 Allergy (e-vir) Blackwell
1600-549X Allergy (e-vir) Blackwell
0108-1675 Allergy. Supplementum Munksgaard
0084-5841 A M A. Agricultural mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corporation
0002-9092 American journal of agricultural economics Oxford University Press
1467-8276 American journal of agricultural economics (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0002-9254 American journal of enology and viticulture American Society for Enology and Viticulture
1943-7749 American journal of enology and viticulture (e-vir) American Society for Enology and Viticulture
0090-0036 American journal of public health The Association
1541-0048 American journal of public health (e-vir) American Public Health Association
0044-7749 American laboratory International Scientific Communications, Inc., etc.
0003-0589 American potato journal Potato Association of America
0324-5705 A Mosonmagyaróvári Mezőgazdaságtudományi Kar közleményei Agrártudományi Egyetem Keszthely
0003-2654 Analyst Chemical Society
1364-5528 Analyst (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0003-2670 Analytica chimica acta Elsevier
1873-4324 Analytica chimica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
1618-2642 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry Springer
1618-2650 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry (e-vir) Springer
Y504-5843 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry Springer
Y505-9305 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry (e-vir) Springer
0003-2697 Analytical biochemistry Academic Press.
1096-0309 Analytical biochemistry (e-vir) Academic Press
0003-2700 Analytical chemistry American Chemical Society
1520-6882 Analytical chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0003-2719 Analytical letters M. Dekker
1532-236X Analytical letters (e-vir) M. Dekker
1049-5398 Animal biotechnology Taylor & Francis
1532-2378 Animal biotechnology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1014-2339 Animal genetic resources information United Nations Environment Programme; FAO
2076-4022 Animal genetic resources information = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0003-3561 Animal Production Longman Group
1344-3941 Animal science journal Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science
1740-0929 Animal science journal (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0962-7286 Animal welfare Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
2054-1538 Animal welfare (e-vir) Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
1300-7580 Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi tar%m bilimleri dergisi Ankara Üniversitesi
0003-388X Annales de biologie animale, biochimie, biophysique Institut national de la recherche agronomique
1286-4838 Annales de physique (e-vir) EDP Sciences
0242-6110 Annales des falsifications, de l'expertise chimique et toxicologique Société des experts-chimistes de France
0003-424X Annales de zootechnie Institut national de la recherche agronomique
1297-9651 Annales de zootechnie (e-vir) EDP sciences
0021-2571 Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità Istituto poligrafico dello stato
2384-8553 Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità (e-vir) Istituto poligrafico dello stato
0374-4981 Annali della Facoltà di Agraria Università degli studi di Perugia, Facoltà di agraria.
0540-049X Annali della Facoltà di Agraria Milano, Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Facoltà di agraria.
0003-4649 Annali di microbiologia ed enzimologia DISPAM.; Università degli studi di Milano, Dipartimento di scienze e tecnologie alimentari e microbiologiche.; Università degli studi, Milano. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari e Microbiologiche.
0570-1783 Annals of Agricultural Science Ain Shams University
0003-4738 Annals of allergy American College of Allergists.; American College of Allergy and Immunology.
1744-7348 Annals of applied biology (e-vir) Association of Applied Biologists
0003-4746 Annals of Applied Biology Association of Applied Biologists
1095-8290 Annals of botany (e-vir) Academic Press
0305-7364 Annals of Botany Academic press
1421-9697 Annals of nutrition & metabolism (e-vir) S. Karger
0250-6807 Annals of nutrition and metabolism S. Karger
0208-5739 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (Warszawa)
0208-5747 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0208-5755 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR. Food Technology and Nutrition Warsaw Agricultural University.; Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa.
0256-6311 Annual report - International Potato Center International Potato Center.; CIP.
0972-3129 Annual Report - UPASI Tea Research Foundation UPASI Tea Research Foundation.
0066-4154 Annual review of biochemistry Stanford University Press
1545-4509 Annual review of biochemistry (e-vir) Annual Review, Inc.
0066-4227 Annual review of microbiology Annual Reviews
1545-3251 Annual review of microbiology (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0199-9885 Annual review of nutrition Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-4312 Annual review of nutrition (e-vir) Annual Reviews
1136-4815 ANS Instituto Danone
0003-6072 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-9699 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (e-vir) Kluwer
1436-5693 Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde Blackwell-Wiss.-Verl.
1439-0280 Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde = Springer.
1340-3494 äOyäo täoshitsu kagaku Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience.
0044-8435 Apidologie Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute für Bienenforschung e.V
1297-9678 Apidologie (e-vir) EDP sciences
0195-6663 Appetite Academic Press
1095-8304 Appetite (e-vir) Academic Press
0099-2240 Applied and environmental microbiology American Society for Microbiology
1098-5336 Applied and environmental microbiology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0273-2289 Applied biochemistry and biotechnology Humana Press; Springer Nature
1559-0291 Applied biochemistry and biotechnology (e-vir) Humana Press
0003-6838 Applied biochemistry and microbiology Consultants Bureau
1608-3024 Applied biochemistry and microbiology (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
1175-9534 Applied biotechnology, food science and policy Open Mind Journals.
0175-7598 Applied microbiology and biotechnology Springer
1432-0614 Applied microbiology and biotechnology (e-vir) Springer
0969-8043 Applied Radiation and Isotopes Pergamon
1872-9800 Applied Radiation and Isotopes (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0003-7214 Aqua Blackwell Scientific
1365-2087 Aqua (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0044-8486 Aquaculture Elsevier
0199-1388 Aquaculture magazine Briggs Associates, inc.
1120-6136 a Rassegna dell'imballaggio e confezionamento Arti Poligrafiche Europee
0944-1921 Archive of fishery and marine research Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei, Hamburg.; Federal Research Centre for Fisheries.
2363-9822 Archives animal breeding (e-vir) Institut für Nutztierbiologie; Copernicus Publications
1476-3567 Archives of agronomy and soil science (e-vir) Akademie-Verlag
0003-9861 Archives of biochemistry and biophysics Academic Press.
1096-0384 Archives of biochemistry and biophysics (e-vir) Academic Press
0090-4341 Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology Springer
1432-0703 Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology (e-vir) Springer
0302-8933 Archives of microbiology Springer
1432-072X Archives of microbiology (e-vir) Springer
1477-2906 Archives of phytopathology and plant protection (e-vir) Akademie-Verlag
0304-8608 Archives of virology Springer
1432-8798 Archives of virology Springer
0365-0340 Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde Taylor & Francis
0003-9098 Archiv für Geflügelkunde Ulmer
1612-9199 Archiv für Geflügelkunde = (e-vir) Ulmer
0003-925X Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene Schaper
0323-5408 Archiv für Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz Akademie-Verlag
0003-9438 Archiv für Tierzucht Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology
1885-4494 Archivos de zootecnia (e-vir) Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Córdoba
0004-0592 Archivos de Zootecnia Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Zootecnia
0004-0622 Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nutrición
2309-5806 Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (e-vir) Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nutrición
0102-0935 Arquivo brasileiro de medicina veterinária e zootecnia UFMG, Escola de Veterinária
1678-4162 Arquivo brasileiro de medicina veterinária e zootecnia (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária.
1011-2367 Asian-australasian journal of animal sciences Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
1976-5517 Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences (e-vir) Asian-Australasian association of animal production societies
0116-6514 Asian fisheries science Asian Fisheries Society.
2073-3720 Asian fisheries science Asian Fisheries Society
0218-2734 Asia Pacific food industry AP Trade Publications.
0964-7058 Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition Smith-Gordon Journals
0265-1491 Aspects of applied biology Association of Applied Biologists
1036-7128 Australasian biotechnology Australian Biotechnology Association
0819-2421 Australian and New Zealand wine industry journal Australian Industrial Publishers
1321-7844 Australian commodities ABARE
1447-6762 Australian commodities ABARE.
0004-9409 Australian Journal of Agricultural Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0004-9433 Australian Journal of Dairy Technology Australian Society of Dairy Technology
1322-7130 Australian journal of grape and wine research Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology
1755-0238 Australian journal of grape and wine research (e-vir) Blackwell
Y502-2762 Australian journal of grape and wine research Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology
0310-7841 Australian journal of plant physiology Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0378-4509 Avances en producción animal Departamento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad de Chile
2047-6515 Avian and poultry biology reviews (e-vir) Science Reviews 2000
1470-2061 Avian and poulty biology reviews Science reviews
0342-9911 Bäcker-zeitung Neue Gildefachverlag-GmbH
0253-5416 Bangladesh journal of botany Bangladesh Botanical Society.
0301-8210 Baroda journal of nutrition Biochemistry Dep., Baroda University.
1476-5373 BDJ online (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group; British Dental Association.
1671-1513 Beijing Gongshang Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0933-5463 Berichte der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung Karlsruhe.
1439-0299 Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift Schlüter
0005-9366 Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift Paul Parey
1024-2422 Biocatalysis and biotransformation Harwood Academic Publishers
1026-5503 Biocatalysis and biotransformation (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2446 Biocatalysis and biotransformation Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0006-291X Biochemical and biophysical research communications Academic Press
1090-2104 Biochemical and biophysical research communications (e-vir) Academic Press
0264-6021 Biochemical journal Biochemical Society
1470-8728 Biochemical journal online (e-vir) Portland Press
0006-2960 Biochemistry American Chemical Society
1520-4995 Biochemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0006-3002 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier/North Holland
1342-4815 Biocontrol science Society for Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents, Japan
0006-3347 Biologist Institute of Biology
0006-3495 Biophysical journal Published for the Biophysical Society by the Rockefeller University Press
1542-0086 Biophysical journal (e-vir) Biophysical Society
0006-3525 Biopolymers John Wiley & Sons
1097-0282 Biopolymers (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0960-8524 Bioresource technology Elsevier Applied Science
1873-2976 Bioresource technology (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0916-8451 Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
1347-6947 Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry (e-vir) Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
1537-5110 Biosystems engineering Elsevier
1537-5129 Biosystems engineering (e-vir) Published for Silsoe Research Institute by Academic Press
1370-6233 Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement Bibliothèque de la Faculté universitaire des sciences agronomiques
1780-4507 Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement (e-vir) Bibliothèque de la Faculté universitaire des sciences agronomiques
0885-4513 Biotechnology and applied biochemistry Published for the International Union of Biochemistry by Academic Press
1470-8744 Biotechnology and applied biochemistry online Portland Press.
0006-3592 Biotechnology and bioengineering Wiley
1097-0290 Biotechnology and bioengineering John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0141-5492 Biotechnology letters Science and Technology Letters
1573-6776 Biotechnology letters (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
1520-6033 Biotechnology progress (e-vir) American Institute of Chemical Engineers
8756-7938 Biotechnology progress American Institute of Chemical Engineers
0141-9684 BNF nutrition bulletin British Nutrition Foundation
0385-5201 Bōkin bōbai Bokin bobai kenkyukai; 防菌防黴研究会; Nihon Bōkin Bōbai Gakkai
0101-3637 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos.
0102-0323 Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos Universidade Federal do Paraná, Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos
1983-9774 Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos
1082-1236 Book of abstracts Institute of Food Technologists.
0006-9159 Branntweinwirtschaft Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Spiritusfabrikation
0724-696X Brauwelt Verlag Hans Carl
0934-9340 Brauwelt international Carl
1519-0900 Brazilian journal of food technology (e-vir) Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
1516-7275 Brazilian Journal of Food Technology Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
1981-6723 Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (e-vir) Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
1517-8382 Brazilian journal of microbiology Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia.
1678-4405 Brazilian journal of microbiology Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia.
0006-9736 Brewer Incorporated Brewers' Guild.
0308-1265 Brewing & distilling international William Reed
0007-0610 British Dental Journal British Medical Association
0007-070X British food journal Peterson Publishing Co
1758-4108 British food journal (e-vir) Peterson Publishing
1475-2662 British journal of nutrition (e-vir) Cambridge University Press; CAB International
0007-1145 British Journal of Nutrition Cambridge University Press
0007-1447 British medical journal British Medical Association
1466-1799 British poultry science (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0007-1668 British Poultry Science Taylor & Francis
0365-9445 Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne.
0007-2737 Brygmesteren Dansk Brygmester Forening.; Norsk bryggerlaug.; Sveriges brygmästare förening.; Sveriges bryggeritekniske förening.
0250-5118 Bulletin - Fédération internationale de laiterie Fédération internationale de laiterie.; International Dairy Federation.; IDF.
0007-4896 Bulletin of Grain Technology Foodgrain Technologists' Research Association of India.
0231-9950 Bulletin potravinárskeho výskumu Výskumný ústav potravinársky
1436-9990 Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz Springer,
1437-1588 Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz (e-vir) Springer
0525-1931 Bunseki Kagaku Nippon Bunseki Kagakkai
0007-9960 Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique Société TEST
2352-4960 Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique (e-vir) Société Française de Nutrition
1492-9058 Canadian biosystems engineering Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering
1492-9066 Canadian biosystems engineering (e-vir) Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering; Canadian Society for Bioengineering
0008-3984 Canadian journal of animal science Agricultural Institute of Canada
1918-1825 Canadian journal of animal science (e-vir) Canadian Science Publishing
0008-4026 Canadian journal of botany National Research Council of Canada
1205-7533 Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences (e-vir) National Research Council Canada
0706-652X Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans
0008-4166 Canadian journal of microbiology National Research Council of Canada
1480-3275 Canadian journal of microbiology (e-vir) NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada.
1918-1833 Canadian journal of plant science (e-vir) Canadian Science Publishing
0008-4220 Canadian Journal of Plant Science Agricultural Institute of Canada
0008-5472 Cancer research Waverly Press
1538-7445 Cancer research (e-vir) American Association for Cancer Research
0745-1032 Candy industry Magazines for Industry
0144-8617 Carbohydrate polymers Applied Science Publishers
1879-1344 Carbohydrate polymers (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0008-6215 Carbohydrate research Elsevier
1873-426X Carbohydrate research (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0143-3334 Carcinogenesis IRL Press Limited
1460-2180 Carcinogenesis (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0174-1551 Cardiovascular and interventional radiology Springer
1432-086X Cardiovascular and interventional radiology (e-vir) Springer
1350-9357 CDR weekly Great Britain.; Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (Great Britain)
1210-7778 Central European journal of public health Czech Medical Association
1803-1048 Central European Journal of Public Health (e-vir) National Institute of Public Health
0009-0352 Cereal chemistry American Association of Cereal Chemists.
1943-3638 Cereal chemistry (e-vir) American Association of Cereal Chemists
0146-6283 Cereal foods world American Association of Cereal Chemists
0133-3720 Cereal research communications Cereal Res. Non-profit Co.
1788-9170 Cereal research communications Akadémiai Kiadó
0770-1713 Cerevisia Association royale des anciens étudiants de brasserie de l'UCL
1213-323X Česká a slovenská gastroenterologie a hepatologie Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně; Galén s.r.o.; Ambit Media a.s.
0009-2142 Cheese reporter Perry & Perry Publishers,
0379-864X Chemical senses Oxford University Press
1464-3553 Chemical senses (e-vir) [IRL Press]
0009-2770 Chemické listy Academia
1213-7103 Chemické listy (e-vir) Česká společnost chemická
1803-2389 Chemické listy (e-vir) Česká společnost chemická
0275-7540 Chemistry and ecology Taylor & Francis
1029-0370 Chemistry and ecology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0009-3106 Chemistry in Britain Chemical Society
0045-6535 Chemosphere Pergamon Press.
1879-1298 Chemosphere (e-vir) Pergamon
0193-323X Chilton's food engineering Chilton Co.
0009-4293 Chimia Birkhäuser
2673-2424 Chimia (e-vir) Swiss Chemical Society
1042-749X Chinese journal of biotechnology Allerton Press,
0009-5893 Chromatographia Vieweg; Pergamon Press
1612-1112 Chromatographia Vieweg
0009-4919 Chłodnictwo Federacja Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT.
0304-5609 Ciencia e investigación agraria Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0718-1620 Ciencia e investigación agraria (e-vir) Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0718-3267 Ciencia e investigación agraria (e-vir) Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
1135-8122 Ciencia y tecnología alimentaria Asociación de Licenciados en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos de Galicia
1365-2222 Clinical & experimental allergy (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0009-9090 Clinical Allergy Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
0954-7894 Clinical and experimental allergy Blackwell Scientific Publications
0893-8512 Clinical microbiology reviews American Society for Microbiology
1098-6618 Clinical microbiology reviews (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0259-2916 Codex alimentarius Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0262-5938 Coffee & cocoa international International Trade Publications Ltd
0100-350X Coletânea do Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
1462-1843 Communicable disease and public health Public Health Laboratory Service.; Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health.
0989-6988 Comptes rendus de l'Académie d'agriculture de France Académie d'agriculture de France
0168-1699 Computers and electronics in agriculture Elsevier Science Publishers
1872-7107 Computers and electronics in agriculture (e-vir) Elsevier
1461-4324 Confection Kennedy's Publications
0010-5473 Confectionery Production Specialised Publications Ltd
0971-877X Cooperative Sugar National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Ltd.
0099-0248 CRC critical reviews in food science and nutrition CRC Press.
0738-8551 Critical reviews in biotechnology CRC Press
1549-7801 Critical reviews in biotechnology (e-vir) CRC Press
1064-3389 Critical reviews in environmental science and technology CRC Press
1547-6537 Critical reviews in environmental science and technology (e-vir) CRC Press
1040-841X Critical reviews in microbiology CRC Press
1549-7828 Critical reviews in microbiology (e-vir) CRC Press
1040-8444 Critical reviews in toxicology CRC Press
1547-6898 Critical reviews in toxicology (e-vir) CRC Press
0970-4884 Crop research Agricultural Research Information Centre
0011-183X Crop science Crop Science Society of America
1435-0653 Crop science (e-vir) Crop Science Society of America
0263-9459 Cruciferae newsletter Scottish Plant Breeding Station.; Eucarpia.
0864-0408 Cuban journal of agricultural science Instituto de ciencia animal
2079-3480 Cuban journal of agricultural science (e-vir) Instituto de Ciencia Animal
0984-7847 Cuni-sciences Cuniculture; Association française de cuniculture
0343-8651 Current microbiology Springer-Verlag
1432-0991 Current microbiology Springer-Verl. New York.
1563-311X Current opinion in clinical and experimental research VICER
1359-0294 Current opinion in colloid & interface science Current Chemistry
1879-0399 Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science (e-vir) Elsevier
0011-3891 Current Science Current Science Association.
1212-1800 Czech Journal of Food Sciences Česká akademie zemědělských věd; Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací
1805-9317 Czech Journal of Food Sciences (e-vir) Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
0198-9995 Dairy field National Association of Fruits, Flavors, & Syrups.
0919-9535 Daizu Tanpakushitsu Kenkyūkai kaishi Daizu Tanpakushitsu Kenkyūkai
0904-4310 Danish dairy & food industry-worldwide Danish Dairy & Food Industry-Worldwide,
0106-6854 Dansk veterinærtidsskrift Den Danske Dyrlægeforening.
0943-089X Das deutsche Weinmagazin Fraund
0343-9704 DEI. Die Ernährungsindustrie Konradin-Industrieverl..
0014-0309 Der Erwerbs-Obstbau Springer
0171-5089 Der Weihenstephaner Verband ehemaliger Weihenstephaner der Brauerabteilung,
0011-9164 Desalination Elsevier
1873-4464 Desalination (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0046-0117 Deutsche Bäckerzeitung Rheinisch-Westfälischer Bäcker-Verl..
0012-0413 Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
0012-0480 Deutsche Milchwirtschaft Mann
0341-2067 Die Kleinbrennerei Ulmer
0027-769X Die Nahrung Akademie-Verlag
0038-9056 Die Stärke VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
0301-4681 Differentiation Springer
1432-0436 Differentiation (e-vir) Springer-Verlag
0938-9369 DMZ Lebensmittelindustrie und Milchwirtschaft WGMBH Volkwirtschaftlische Verlag
1010-7649 Doğa. Türk tarım ve ormancılık dergisi Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1433-1594 Drink technology & marketing
0737-3937 Drying technology M. Dekker
1532-2300 Drying technology (e-vir) M. Dekker; Taylor & Francis
0341-6593 DTW. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift Schaper
0012-835X East African medical journal East African Medical Journal.
0367-0244 Ecology of food and nutrition Gordon and Breach
1543-5237 Ecology of food and nutrition Gordon and Breach; Routledge
0013-0001 Economic botany New York Botanical Garden
1874-9364 Economic botany (e-vir) New York Botanical Garden Press; Springer
0147-6513 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety Academic Press.
1090-2414 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety (e-vir) Academic Press
1018-8851 Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat fakültesi dergisi Ege Üniversitesi
2548-1207 Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi dergisi (e-vir) Ege Üniversitesi
0378-2700 Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science Egyptian Society of Dairy Science
1110-0206 Egyptian Journal of Horticulture National Information and Documentation Center
0022-2704 Egyptian Journal of Microbiology National Information and Documentation Centre
0013-273X Eisei kagaku Yakuji nipposha; Nihon Yakugakkai ;; Nihon Yakuzaishi kyokai; Nihon yakugakukai
0173-0835 Electrophoresis VCH
1522-2683 Electrophoresis (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0422-9576 Élelmiszervizsgálati közlemények Lapk.
0013-7626 Engei Gakkai zasshi Horticultural Association of Japan.; Japanese Society for Horticultural Science.
0893-6692 Environmental and molecular mutagenesis Alan R. Liss, Inc.
1098-2280 Environmental and molecular mutagenesis (e-vir) [A.R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0013-9270 Environmental health Environmental Health Officers Association
0250-863X Environmental health criteria World Health Organization
0091-6765 Environmental health perspectives U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service
1078-0475 Environmental health perspectives U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service
1552-9924 Environmental health perspectives (e-vir) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
0167-6369 Environmental monitoring and assessment Reidel
1573-2959 Environmental monitoring and assessment (e-vir) Kluwer; Springer
0269-7491 Environmental pollution Elsevier Applied Science Publishers
1873-6424 Environmental Pollution (e-vir) Elsevier
0013-936X Environmental science & technology American Chemical Society
1520-5851 Environmental science & technology (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1520-4081 Environmental toxicology John Wiley & Sons
1522-7278 Environmental toxicology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0730-7268 Environmental toxicology and chemistry Pergamon
1552-8618 Environmental toxicology and chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0141-0229 Enzyme and microbial technology Butterworth Scientific Ltd
1879-0909 Enzyme and microbial technology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0950-2688 Epidemiology and infection Cambridge University Press
1469-4409 Epidemiology and infection (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1105-0888 Epistīmī kai Technologia galaktos Ethnikī Epitropī Galaktos Elladas; National Dairy Committee Greece
0250-1554 Ernährung Fachzeitschriftenverlagsges
0014-021X Ernährungs-Umschau Umschau Verlag Breidenstein KG
1439-0302 Erwerbs-Obstbau Springer
0014-2336 Euphytica Springer
1573-5060 Euphytica (e-vir) Kluwer
1132-2675 Eurocarne Estrategias Alimentarias.
0936-6318 European dairy magazine Mann
0955-4416 European food and drink review Contract Communications
1438-2385 European food research & technology Springer
1438-2377 European Food Research and Technology Springer
0014-2956 European journal of biochemistry Springer
0945-5795 European journal of biochemistry (e-vir) Federation of European Biochemical Societies.; FEBS.
1432-1033 European journal of biochemistry (e-vir) Springer Internat..
1611-4426 European journal of horticultural science International Society for Horticultural Science
1611-4434 European journal of horticultural science (e-vir) International Society for Horticultural Science
Y504-7870 European journal of horticultural science International Society for Horticultural Science
1438-7697 European journal of lipid science and technology Wiley-VCH
1438-9312 European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (e-vir) Wiley InterScience
1010-1365 FAO agricultural services bulletin Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
0254-6019 FAO animal production and health paper Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0259-2460 FAO economic and social development paper Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
0429-9345 FAO fisheries technical paper Research Information Section, Fishery Resources Division, FAO
0254-4725 FAO food and nutrition paper Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0259-2517 FAO plant production and protection paper Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0071-7118 FAO production yearbook Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0046-3302 Farm and food research Foras Talúntais
0014-5793 FEBS letters North-Holland
1873-3468 FEBS Letters (e-vir) Elsevier
0378-1097 FEMS microbiology letters Elsevier
1574-6968 FEMS microbiology letters (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0168-6445 FEMS microbiology reviews Blackwell Publishing
1574-6976 FEMS Microbiology Reviews (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0919-9268 Fisheries science Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
1444-2906 Fisheries science Blackwell Science Asia..
0015-3001 Fishery Technology Fishery technology.
0015-3044 Fishing news international Heighway; IntraFish Media London
1519-9088 Fitness & performance journal Shape Editora e Promoções.
1676-5133 Fitness & Performance Journal (e-vir) Colégio Brasileiro de Atividade Física, Saúde e Esporte
0882-5734 Flavour and fragrance journal Wiley
1099-1026 Flavour and fragrance journal (e-vir) J. Wiley
0015-3613 Fleischerei Holzmann
0015-363X Fleischwirtschaft Deutscher Fachverlag
0015-4539 Flüssiges Obst Confructa medien GmbH
1014-806X Food, nutrition and agriculture FAO
0740-9710 Food & foodways Harwood Academic Publishers.
0265-203X Food additives and contaminants Taylor & Francis Ltd
1464-5122 Food additives and contaminants (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0954-0105 Food and agricultural immunology Carfax Publishing.
1465-3443 Food and agricultural immunology (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0960-3085 Food and bioproducts processing Institution of Chemical Engineers.
0278-6915 Food and chemical toxicology Elsevier
1873-6351 Food and chemical toxicology Elsevier Science
1064-590X Food and drug law journal Food and Drug Law Institute
1542-3484 Food and foodways Taylor & Francis, Inc.
0379-5721 Food and nutrition bulletin United Nations University; International Nutrition Foundation, Inc..
1564-8265 Food and nutrition bulletin (e-vir) International Nutrition Foundation, Inc..
0890-5436 Food biotechnology Dekker
1532-4249 Food biotechnology (e-vir) Dekker
0964-5810 Food chain Intermediate Technology Development Group.
0308-8146 Food chemistry Applied Science Publishers
1873-7072 Food Chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0956-7135 Food control Butterworth Scientific
1873-7129 Food Control (e-vir) Elsevier
1439-2356 Food design Food Marketing Gesellschaft
1471-2806 Food engineering & ingredients Cahners Europe
0268-005X Food hydrocolloids IRL Press
1873-7137 Food hydrocolloids (e-vir) Elsevier
0015-6442 Food in Canada Maclean-Hunter
0962-7235 Food industry news Beacon Publishing
0968-574X Food ingredients & processing international Turret Group
0091-018X Food management Edgell Communications
0015-6477 Food Manufacture Morgan-Grampian Ltd
0932-2744 Food marketing & technology Harnisch
0740-0020 Food microbiology Elsevier
1095-9998 Food microbiology (e-vir) Academic Press
1175-4621 Food New Zealand New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology.; Dairy Industry Association of New Zealand.
0306-9192 Food Policy Elsevier
0015-6523 Food processing Putman Pub. Co.
0264-9462 Food processing Techpress FPI
1065-772X Food product design Weeks Pub. Co.; Virgo Pub.
1541-9576 Food protection trends International Association for Food Protection
1092-7514 Food quality Carpe Diem Communications, Inc.
0950-3293 Food quality and preference Longman Scientific & Technical
1873-6343 Food quality and preference (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0963-9969 Food research international Elsevier Applied Science
1873-7145 Food research international (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0257-8867 Food review South African Association of Food Science & Technology.
1525-6103 Food reviews international (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
8755-9129 Food reviews international M. Dekker
1471-096X Food safety express Research Information Ltd.
0950-9623 Food science & technology today Institute of Food Science and Technology
1560-4152 Food science and agricultural chemistry Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology.; Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society.; National Taiwan University.
2092-6456 Food science and biotechnology (e-vir) Korean Society of Food Science & Technology
1226-7708 Food Science and Biotechnology Korean Society of Food Science and Technology
0101-2061 Food Science and Technology Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos
1678-457X Food Science and Technology (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos.
1082-0132 Food science and technology international Chapman & Hall
1532-1738 Food science and technology international (e-vir) Chapman & Hall
1344-6606 Food science and technology research Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
1881-3984 Food science and technology research Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
1471-5732 Food service technology Blackwell Science,
1471-5740 Food service technology (e-vir) Blackwell Science]
0015-6639 Food technology Food technology, etc.
1330-9862 Food technology and biotechnology Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology
1334-2606 Food technology and biotechnology (e-vir) Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb
Y502-2681 Food technology and biotechnology Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology
0015-6647 Food technology in Australia Council of Australian Food Technology Associations.; Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology.
1172-2460 Food technology in New Zealand Trade Publications,
0015-6671 Food trade review Food Trade Press Ltd.
1029-2470 Free radical research Overseas Publishers Association.
1071-5762 Free radical research Informa Healthcare
1018-4619 Fresenius environmental bulletin Parlar Scientific Publications
0967-6899 Fresh produce journal Lockwood
0265-6485 Frozen & chilled foods Retail Journals.
0939-4435 Fruit processing Confructa medien GmbH
0016-2299 Fruits Institut français de recherches fruitières Outre-Mer
1422-2337 Fruit world international Agropress Inc.,; AgroPress Inc.
0378-8032 Garcia de Orta. Série de estudos agronómicos Junta de Investigações Científicas do Ultramar.
1529-3262 Gastronomica University of California Press
1533-8622 Gastronomica (e-vir) University of California Press
0016-5395 Gazeta Cukrownicza Wydawnictwa Czasopism Technicznych NOT
0378-1119 Gene Elsevier
1879-0038 Gene (e-vir) Elsevier
0016-6731 Genetics Genetics Society of America
1943-2631 Genetics (e-vir) Genetics Society of America
0999-193X Genetics selection evolution Elsevier
1297-9686 Genetics selection evolution (e-vir) EDP sciences
0367-4223 Gesunde Pflanzen Springer
1439-0345 Gesunde Pflanzen Springer
0367-4177 Getreide, Mehl und Brot Rheinisch-Westfälischer Bäcker-Verlag
1300-3070 Gida Gida Teknolojisi Derneği Yayaini
0072-4513 Gifu Daigaku Näogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Gifu University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0016-9900 Gigiena i sanitarija Narodnyî komessarijat zdravoohranenija SSSR
0367-4916 Gospodarka Mięsna Centrala Mięsna.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.; Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.
0017-3495 Grasas y aceites CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones
1988-4214 Grasas y aceites Departamento de Publicaciones del CSIC
0897-7194 Growth factors Harwood Academic Publishers.
1026-7964 Growth factors (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2292 Growth factors (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0385-6151 Hakkōkōgaku Kaishi Nippon Seibutsu Kōgakkai
0367-5807 Han'gug cugsan haghoeji Han'gug chugsan haghoe
0252-9777 Han'gug jagmul haghoeji han-guk jangmul hakoe
1598-642X Han'gug mi'saengmul saengmyeong gong haghoeji; 한국 미생물 생명공학회지 Han'gug mi'saengmul.saengmyeong gong haghoe; 한국미생물.생명공학회
0368-2897 Han'gug nonghwahag hoeji Han'gug nonghwahaghoe
1226-3311 Han'gug sigpum yeong'yang gwahag hoeji Han'gug yeong'yang sigryang haghoe; Han'gug sigpum yeong'yang gwahaghoe
0253-6498 Han'gug weon'ye haghoeji Han'gug won'ye haghoe
0367-6293 Han'guk Sikp'um Kwahakhoe Chi Korean Society of Food Science and Technology.
1225-8563 Han-gug chugsan sigpum hag-hoeji Han-gug chugsan sigpum hag-hoe
0374-8111 Han-guksusanhakoeji Hangug susan haghoi; Han-guksusan-gwahakoe
1568-9883 Harmful algae Elsevier
1878-1470 Harmful algae (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0970-2873 Haryana Journal of Horticultural Sciences Horticultural Society of Haryana.
0017-9078 Health physics Pergamon Press
1538-5159 Health physics (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1008-9519 Hebei Zhiye Jishu Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1368-6739 HGCA project report Great Britain.
0387-7647 Hiroshima Daigaku Seibutsu Seisan Gakubu kiyäo Hiroshima University. Faculty of Applied Biological Science.
0163-7851 Horticultural reviews Wiley-Blackwell
0018-5345 HortScience American society for horticultural science
1063-0198 HortTechnology American Society for Horticultural Science
1943-7714 HortTechnology (e-vir) American Society for Horticultural Science
1549-7860 Human & ecological risk assessment CRC Press
1080-7039 Human and ecological risk assessment Amherst Scientific Publishers
1311-0179 HVP Kooperativno-izdateljska kuča HVP
0392-6060 Il Latte Tecniche Nuove s.r.l.
0368-9123 Il Mondo del latte Editoriale Il mondo del latte
0019-2708 Imballaggio E.T.A.S. Kompass
0970-1176 Indian Arecanut, Spices & Cocoa Journal India, Directorate of Cocoa, Arecanut & Spices Development
0019-4484 Indian Cashew Journal Cashew Export Promotion Council of India
0367-7281 Indian Coconut Journal India, Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Coconut Development Board
0019-4603 Indian Dairyman Indian Dairy Science Association, Secy.
0972-2610 Indian food industry Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India)
0019-4808 Indian Food Packer The All India Food Preservers' Association.
0970-6399 Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemists
0019-5057 Indian Journal of Animal Health West Bengal Veterinary Association.
2394-3327 Indian journal of animal sciences (e-vir) Indian Agricultural Research Institute
0367-8318 Indian Journal of Animal Sciences Indian Council of Agricultural Research
0975-0967 Indian journal of biotechnology (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0972-5849 Indian Journal of Biotechnology CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR)
0971-4588 Indian journal of engineering and materials sciences National Institute of Science Communication, CSIR.
0975-1017 Indian journal of engineering and materials sciences (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0970-6011 Indian Journal of Fisheries Editorial Committee, Indian Journal of Fisheries
0019-5251 Indian Journal of Horticulture Indian Academy of Horticultural Science
0974-0252 Indian journal of plant physiology Indian Society for Plant Physiology
0019-5502 Indian Journal of Plant Physiology Indian Society for Plant Physiology
0019-6479 Indian veterinary journal Indian Veterinary Association
0854-6177 Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pangan dan Gizi Universitas Gadjah Mada.
2597-9388 Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress (e-vir) Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada
0019-7483 Industria Conserve Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Conserve Alimentari in Parma
0926-6690 Industrial crops and products Elsevier Science Publishers
1872-633X Industrial crops and products (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0019-7734 Industria Saccarifera Italiana Associazone Nazionale fra i Tecnici dello Zucchero e dell'Alcole
0019-901X Industrie Alimentari Chiriotti editore
0390-0541 Industrie delle bevande Chiriotti
0019-9311 Industries alimentaires et agricoles SEPAIC
0245-4505 Industries des céréales Association pour le progrès des industries des céréales
0378-9993 Industry and environment United Nations Environment Programme
0019-9567 Infection & immunity American Society for Microbiology
1098-5522 Infection and immunity (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0127-2012 Infofish marketing digest Infofish, Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fish Products in the Asian/Pacific Region.
1023-0076 Infomusa International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain.; INIBAP.; Technical Centre for Rural and Agricultural Agricultural Cooperation.; CTA.; International Development Research Centre.; IDRC.
0716-8756 Información tecnológica Centro de Información Tecnológica
0718-0764 Información tecnológica (e-vir) Centro de Información Tecnológica
0802-1740 InforMAT MATFORSK.
1437-5842 Informationen für die Fischwirtschaft aus der Fischereiforschung Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei.
0394-588X Ingegneria alimentare. Le conserve animali G.M. Editoriale
1594-0543 Ingredienti alimentari Chiriotti Editori.
1464-0074 Ingredients, health & nutrition Turret RAI
1465-0460 Innovations in food technology Print Workshop Publications
1466-8564 Innovative food science & emerging technologies Elsevier Science
1878-5522 Innovative food science and emerging technologies (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0964-8305 International biodeterioration & biodegradation Elsevier Applied Science
1025-8515 International Dairy Federation special issue International Dairy Federation.; Fédération internationale de laiterie.; IDF.; FIL.
0958-6946 International dairy journal Elsevier Limited (Corporate Office)
1879-0143 International dairy journal (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0020-6563 International digest of health legislation World Health Organization
0961-2831 International food hygiene Positive Action Publications
0924-5863 International food ingredients Expoconsult
0300-9831 International journal for vitamin and nutrition research H. Huber
1664-2821 International journal for vitamin and nutrition research (e-vir) H. Huber, Hogrefe
0141-8130 International journal of biological macromolecules Butterworth Scientific Ltd; Elsevier
1879-0003 International journal of biological macromolecules (e-vir) Elsevier
1364-727X International journal of dairy technology Blackwell
1471-0307 International journal of dairy technology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0306-7319 International journal of environmental analytical chemistry Gordon and Breach.
1026-7468 International journal of environmental analytical chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers.
1029-0397 International journal of environmental analytical chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0960-3123 International journal of environmental health research Taylor & Francis
1369-1619 International journal of environmental health research (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1459-0255 International journal of food, agriculture & environment - JFAE WFL Publisher
1459-0263 International journal of food, agriculture and environment (e-vir) World Food
0168-1605 International journal of food microbiology Elsevier
1879-3460 International Journal of Food Microbiology (e-vir) Elsevier; Elsevier
1094-2912 International journal of food properties Dekker
1532-2386 International journal of food properties (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0950-5423 International journal of food science & technology Wiley-Blackwell
1365-2621 International journal of food science & technology (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0963-7486 International journal of food sciences and nutrition Macmillan Press
1465-3478 International journal of food sciences and nutrition (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1553-8362 International journal of fruit science Food products press; Taylor & Francis
1553-8621 International journal of fruit science Haworth Press
1562-2479 International journal of fuzzy systems Chinese Fuzzy Systems Association
2199-3211 International journal of fuzzy systems (e-vir) Springer Nature
1438-4639 International journal of hygiene and environmental health Elsevier
1618-131X International journal of hygiene and environmental health (e-vir) Elsevier
0307-0565 International journal of obesity Newman Publishing Ltd
1476-5497 International journal of obesity (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group.
0967-0874 International journal of pest management Taylor & Francis
1366-5863 International journal of pest management (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0140-7007 International journal of refrigeration Elsevier Science
1466-5026 International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology The Microbiology Society
1466-5034 International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology (e-vir) Society for General Microbiology.
1139-6709 International microbiology Springer; Viguera
1618-1905 International microbiology Springer; Viguera
0897-8026 International news on fats, oils and related materials The Society
0020-8841 International Sugar Journal International Sugar Journal
0020-8957 International trade forum International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT
1438-0811 Internet symposium on food allergene M. Besler
0304-5617 Investigación agrícola Univesidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas.
1013-9885 Iran agricultural research = College of Agriculture. Shiraz University.
0791-6833 Irish journal of agricultural and food research Teagasc
2009-9029 Irish journal of agricultural and food research (e-vir) Teagasc
1120-1770 Italian journal of food science Chiriotti Editori
2239-5687 Italian journal of food science (e-vir) Chiriotti Editori
0579-3009 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Piŝevaâ tehnologiâ Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego special'nogo obrazovaniâ SSR
0098-7484 JAMA American Medical Association
1538-3598 JAMA (e-vir) American Medical Association
1151-0285 Journal international des sciences de la vigne et du vin Vigne et vin publications internationales
1074-0708 Journal of agricultural and applied economics Southern Agricultural Economics Association
2056-7405 Journal of agricultural and applied economics (e-vir) Southern Agricultural Economics Association
0021-8561 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division
1520-5118 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1059-924X Journal of agromedicine Haworth Medical Press
1545-0813 Journal of agromedicine Haworth Press
0931-2250 Journal of agronomy and crop science Wiley-Blackwell
1439-037X Journal of agronomy and crop science (e-vir) Blackwell
1527-3741 Journal of American Pomological Society American Pomological Society
0267-9477 Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry The Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-5544 Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry (e-vir) [Royal Society of Chemistry]
1061-9348 Journal of analytical chemistry Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing; Consultants Bureau
1608-3199 Journal of analytical chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0931-2668 Journal of animal breeding and genetics Parey; Wiley
1439-0388 Journal of animal breeding and genetics (e-vir) Blackwell
0931-2439 Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition Blackwell
1439-0396 Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0021-8812 Journal of animal science American Society of Animal Science
1525-3163 Journal of animal science (e-vir) American Society of Animal Science
1060-3271 Journal of AOAC International AOAC International
1944-7922 Journal of AOAC International AOAC International
2078-6913 Journal of apicultural research (e-vir) International Bee Research Association
0021-8839 Journal of Apicultural Research Bee Research Association
1643-4439 Journal of Apicultural Science Research Institut of Pomology and Floriculture. Division of Apliculture; Aplicultiral Research Association.
2299-4831 Journal of Apicultural Science Research Institute of Horticulture. Apiculture Division; "Versita"
0971-2119 Journal of applied animal research Francis & Taylor
0974-1844 Journal of applied animal research (e-vir) Garuda Scientific Publications; Taylor & Francis
1045-4438 Journal of applied aquaculture Food Products Press
1545-0805 Journal of applied aquaculture (e-vir) Haworth Press
0949-5460 Journal of applied botany Blackwell-Wiss.-Verl.
0175-8659 Journal of applied ichthyology Blackwell
1439-0426 Journal of applied ichthyology (e-vir) Blackwell
1364-5072 Journal of applied microbiology Blackwell Science
1365-2672 Journal of applied microbiology (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
1049-8850 Journal of aquatic food product technology Food Products Press
1547-0636 Journal of aquatic food product technology Food Products Press
0021-9193 Journal of bacteriology American Society for Microbiology
1098-5530 Journal of bacteriology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0165-022X Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods Elsevier Science Publishers
1872-857X Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0021-924X Journal of Biochemistry Nippon Seikagakkai; Japan Publications Trading Co, (U.S.A.) Inc.
1083-351X Journal of biological chemistry (e-vir) American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
1347-4421 Journal of bioscience and bioengineering (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1389-1723 Journal of bioscience and bioengineering University, Faculty of Engineering; Elsevier Science
0168-1656 Journal of biotechnology Elsevier
0733-5210 Journal of cereal science Academic Press
1095-9963 Journal of cereal science (e-vir) Academic Press
0268-2575 Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology John Wiley & Sons
1097-4660 Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0021-9665 Journal of chromatographic science Preston Publications.
1945-239X Journal of chromatographic science (e-vir) Preston Technical Abstract Company
0021-9673 Journal of chromatography Elsevier
0378-4347 Journal of chromatography Elsevier
1872-812X Journal of chromatography (e-vir) Elsevier
1873-3778 Journal of chromatography A (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0095-1137 Journal of clinical microbiology American Society for Microbiology.
1098-660X Journal of clinical microbiology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
1092-678X Journal of crop production Food Production Press
1540-4110 Journal of crop production (e-vir) Haworth Press
0971-4456 Journal of Dairying, Foods & Home Sciences Agricultural Research Communication Centre.
0976-0563 Journal of dairying foods & home sciences (e-vir) Agricultural Research Communication Centre
1469-7629 Journal of dairy research (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
0022-0299 Journal of Dairy Research Cambridge University Press
0022-0302 Journal of dairy science Elsevier
1525-3198 Journal of dairy science (e-vir) American Dairy Science Association]
0193-2691 Journal of dispersion science and technology M. Dekker
1532-2351 Journal of dispersion science and technology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0022-0493 Journal of economic entomology Entomological Society of America
1938-291X Journal of economic entomology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0022-0892 Journal of environmental health National Environmental Health Association
1464-0325 Journal of environmental monitoring Royal Society of Chemistry
1464-0333 Journal of environmental monitoring (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0360-1234 Journal of environmental science and health M. Dekker
1532-4109 Journal of environmental science and health Marcel Dekker; Taylor & Francis
1475-6366 Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry Taylor & Francis
1475-6374 Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach; Taylor & Francis
1460-2431 Journal of experimental botany (e-vir) Clarendon Press
0022-0957 Journal of Experimental Botany Clarendon Press
0145-8884 Journal of food biochemistry Wiley Periodicals
1745-4514 Journal of food biochemistry (e-vir) Blackwell
0889-1575 Journal of food composition and analysis Academic Press
1096-0481 Journal of food composition and analysis (e-vir) Academic Press; Elsevier
0047-245X Journal of food distribution research Food Distribution Research Society.
0260-8774 Journal of food engineering Applied Science Publishers
1873-5770 Journal of food engineering (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1065-7258 Journal of food lipids Food & Nutrition Press
1745-4522 Journal of food lipids (e-vir) Food & Nutrition Press]
0145-8876 Journal of food process engineering Food & Nutrition Press
1745-4530 Journal of food process engineering (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0145-8892 Journal of food processing and preservation Food & Nutrition Press; Blackwell
1745-4549 Journal of food processing and preservation (e-vir) Willey-Blackwell
1045-4446 Journal of food products marketing Food Products Press
1540-4102 Journal of food products marketing Haworth Press
0362-028X Journal of food protection International Association for Food Protection
1944-9097 Journal of food protection (e-vir) International Association for Food Protection
0146-9428 Journal of food quality Wiley Periodicals
1745-4557 Journal of food quality (e-vir) Wiley Hindawi
0149-6085 Journal of food safety Food & Nutrition Press; Blackwell
1745-4565 Journal of food safety (e-vir) Blackwell
0022-1147 Journal of food science Institute of food technologists
1750-3841 Journal of food science (e-vir) Blackwell
0975-8402 Journal of food science and technology (e-vir) Springer
0022-1155 Journal of Food Science and Technology Association of Food Scientists and Technologists
1537-8020 Journal of foodservice business research The Haworth Hospitality Press; Food products press
1537-8039 Journal of foodservice business research (e-vir) The Haworth Hospitality Press; Food products press
0022-1260 Journal of General and Applied Microbiology Microbiology Research Foundation
1465-2099 Journal of general virology (e-vir) Society for General Microbiology.
0022-1317 Journal of General Virology Cambridge University Press
0394-9257 Journal of genetics & breeding Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura.
1049-6475 Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants Food Products Press
1540-3580 Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants Haworth Press
0022-1589 Journal of Horticultural Science Headley Bros
0952-3871 Journal of human nutrition and dietetics Wiley
1365-277X Journal of human nutrition and dietetics (e-vir) Wiley
1857-8489 Journal of hygienic engineering and design (e-vir) Consulting and Training Center Key
0169-4146 Journal of industrial microbiology Elsevier Science
1016-2364 Journal of information science and engineering Institute of Information Science, Academia sinica.
0896-1530 Journal of international consumer marketing Haworth
1528-7068 Journal of international consumer marketing (e-vir) Haworth Press
0897-4438 Journal of international food & agribusiness marketing Haworth Press
1528-6983 Journal of international food & agribusiness marketing Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
0022-2275 Journal of lipid research Lipid Research, inc.
1539-7262 Journal of lipid research (e-vir) Rockefeller Institute Press; American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
1082-6076 Journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies Marcel Dekker
1520-572X Journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1046-669X Journal of marketing channels Haworth Press
1540-7039 Journal of marketing channels (e-vir) Haworth Press
1096-620X Journal of medicinal food Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-7600 Journal of medicinal food (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0376-7388 Journal of membrane science Elsevier
1873-3123 Journal of membrane science Elsevier Science
0167-7012 Journal of microbiological methods Elsevier
1872-8359 Journal of microbiological methods Elsevier Science
1225-8873 Journal of microbiology Microbiological society of Korea
1976-3794 Journal of microbiology (e-vir) Microbiological society of Korea
1046-0756 Journal of muscle foods Wiley Periodicals
1745-4573 Journal of muscle foods (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1058-8108 Journal of natural toxins Alaken, Inc.
1522-9025 Journal of new seeds The Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Inc.
1089-4179 Journal of nutraceuticals, functional & medical foods Pharmaceutical Products Press, an imprint of the Haworth Press
1540-7020 Journal of nutraceuticals, functional & medical foods (e-vir)
1359-0847 Journal of nutritional & environmental medicine Carfax
1364-6907 Journal of nutritional & environmental medicine (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1049-5150 Journal of nutritional immunology Haworth Medical Press
2374-9946 Journal of nutritional immunology (e-vir)
0301-4800 Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology University of Tokyo Press
1878-2620 Journal of nutrition education and behavior (e-vir) Elsevier
1499-4046 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Decker
0163-9366 Journal of nutrition for the elderly Haworth Press.; Informa Healthcare; Taylor & Francis
1540-8566 Journal of nutrition for the elderly (e-vir) [Haworth Press Inc.]
1055-1379 Journal of nutrition in recipe & menu development Food Products Press
1540-9600 Journal of nutrition in recipe & menu development (e-vir) Haworth Press
1345-8957 Journal of oleo science Japan Oil Chemists' Society
1347-3352 Journal of oleo science (e-vir) Japan Oil Chemists' Society
0022-3263 Journal of organic chemistry American Chemical Society.
1520-6904 Journal of organic chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1348-589X Journal of pesticide science Nihon Noyaku Gakkai
1349-0923 Journal of pesticide science (e-vir) Pesticide Science Society of Japan
0931-1785 Journal of phytopathology Wiley-Blackwell
1439-0434 Journal of phytopathology (e-vir) Wiley
0304-5242 Journal of plantation crops Indian Society for Plantation Crops
0974-1275 Journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology (e-vir) Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
0971-7811 Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology S. L. Mehta
1618-1328 Journal of plant physiology (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer
0176-1617 Journal of Plant Physiology Gustav Fischer Verlag
8756-0879 Journal of plastic film & sheeting Technomic Pub. Co.
1530-8014 Journal of plastic film and sheeting Technomic Pub. Co.
0236-5731 Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry Elsevier; Akadémiai K
1588-2780 Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1060-3999 Journal of rapid methods and automation in microbiology Food & Nutrition Press
1745-4581 Journal of rapid methods and automation in microbiology Food & Nutrition Press; Blackwell Publishing; Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
0048-6019 Journal of Research, Punjab Agricultural University Agricultural Information Officer
0148-6055 Journal of rheology J. Wiley for the Society of Rheology
1520-8516 Journal of rheology online American Institute of Physics for the Society of Rheology
0022-4456 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0975-1084 Journal of scientific and industrial research (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0887-8250 Journal of sensory studies Wiley Periodicals
1745-459X Journal of sensory studies (e-vir) Blackwell
0022-474X Journal of Stored Products Research Pergamon Press
0899-1502 Journal of sugar beet research American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists, Office of the Secretary
1044-0046 Journal of sustainable agriculture Food Products Press
1540-7578 Journal of sustainable agriculture Food Products Press]; Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Group
0022-4901 Journal of texture studies Wiley Periodicals
1745-4603 Journal of texture studies (e-vir) D. Reidel Pub. Co.
0002-7863 Journal of the American Chemical Society American Chemical Society
1520-5126 Journal of the American Chemical Society (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0002-8223 Journal of the American Dietetic Association s. n.
0003-021X Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society American Oil Chemists' Society
1558-9331 Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (e-vir) American Oil Chemists' Society Press
0003-1062 Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science American Society for Horticultural Science
2327-9788 Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (e-vir) American Society for Horticultural Science
0361-0470 Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists American Society of Brewing Chemists.
1943-7854 Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists (e-vir) American Society of Brewing Chemists
0003-1488 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association American Veterinary Medical Association.
1943-569X Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (e-vir) [American Veterinary Medical Association]
0003-150X Journal of the American Water Works Association The Association
1551-8833 Journal of the American Water Works Association (e-vir) Waverly Press; American Water Works Association; American Water Works Association
0253-5106 Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan Chemical Society of Pakistan.
0023-6152 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Kyushu Daigaku Nogakubu
0046-9750 Journal of the Institute of Brewing J. Wiley & Sons
2050-0416 Journal of the Institute of Brewing (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0020-3254 Journal of the Institution of Chemists, Calcutta S. N. Mitra Institution of Chemists (India), Chemical Dep, Medical College.
0027-8874 Journal of the National Cancer Institute United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare
1460-2105 Journal of the National Cancer Institute (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0028-4939 Journal of the New England Water Works Association New England Water Works Association.
0030-1485 Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India Oil Technologists' Association of India
1476-9042 Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (e-vir) Royal Society of Health (Great Britain)
0022-5142 Journal of the science of food and agriculture Academic Press
1097-0010 Journal of the science of food and agriculture (e-vir) Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons
0352-5139 Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society Serbian Chemical Society
1820-7421 Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (e-vir) Serbian Chemical Society
1055-1387 Journal of tree fruit production The Haworth Press
1394-9829 Journal of tropical agriculture and food sciences Institut Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian
1049-6467 Journal of vegetable crop production Food Products Press
1548-1689 Journal of vegetable science Food Products Press
1439-0442 Journal of veterinary medicine Blackwell
0931-184X Journal of veterinary medicine. Series A Parey
0931-1793 Journal of veterinary medicine. Series B Parey
1439-0450 Journal of veterinary medicine. Series B Blackwell
0022-538X Journal of virology American Society for Microbiology.
1098-5514 Journal of virology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0957-1264 Journal of wine research Carfax Publishing
1469-9672 Journal of wine research (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1569-1829 Journal on chain and network science Wageningen Pers ;; Wageningen Academic Publishers
1875-0931 Journal on chain and network science Wageningen Academic Publishers
0917-2408 Kankyo kagaku Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyukai; Kankyo Kagakukai
0452-2370 Käobe Daigaku Näogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Kobe University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0355-1628 Kemia Suomen kemian seura.; Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura.; Kemiallisteknillinen yhdistys.; Suomen kemistiseura.
0023-1347 Kieler Milchwirtschaftliche Forschungsberichte Verlag Mann GmbH
1343-4292 Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyujo hokoku Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyujo. Kagaku Busshitsu Johobu; Kokuritsu iyakuhin shokuhin eisei kenkyujo anzen johobu; Kokuritsu iyakuhin shokuhin eisei kenkyujo anzen johobu
0235-2605 Kombikormovaâ promyšlennostʹ "Agropromizdat".
0023-3234 Konditorei und Café Deutscher Konditorenbund.
0023-4850 Krmiva Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo
1848-901X Krmiva (e-vir) Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo
0023-5830 Kvasný pr°umysl Pivovary a sladovny; Spofa, s.p.
2570-8619 Kvasný průmysl (e-vir) Výzkumný ústav pivovarský a sladařský a.s.
0451-1476 Kyoto Daigaku Shokuryäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Kyoto University, Research Institute for Food Science.
0368-6264 Kyushu Daigaku Nogakubu Gakugei Zasshi Kyushu Daigaku Nogakubu.
0392-176X L'enotecnico Associazione enotecnici italiani
0019-1655 L'Igiene moderna Società italiana d'igiene, medicina preventiva e sanità pubblica.; Istituto di microbiologia, Università cattolica.; Società Italiana d'Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica.
0325-3384 La alimentación latinoamericana Publitec
1473-0189 Lab on a chip (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1473-0197 Lab on a chip Royal Society of Chemistry
0391-4887 La Rivista della Società Italiana di Scienza dell'Alimentazione Società italiana di scienza dell'alimentazione.; FO.SA.N.
0037-184X La Semana vitivinícola Salvador Estela Alfonso.
0770-9404 La sucrerie belge Sucrerie belge
1566-4600 Leads in life sciences TNO Voeding.
0937-1478 Lebensmittelchemie VCH
1521-3811 Lebensmittelchemie Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0047-4290 Lebensmitteltechnik Lebensmitteltechnik-Food-Medien
0254-9298 Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie Verein Österreichischer Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologen
0023-6438 Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie Academic Press
0029-7127 Le Bulletin de l'OIV Félix Alcan
0023-7302 Le Lait Lait; Ed. du Boisbaudry; INRA
0398-7582 Les Annales d'hygiène de langue française. Médecine et nutrition La Simarre
0266-8254 Letters in applied microbiology Blackwell Scientific
1472-765X Letters in applied microbiology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1000-6958 Liangshi chucang Zhongguo Liang-You Xuehui Chucang Zhuanye Xuehui,
0024-4201 Lipids American Oil Chemists' Society.
1558-9307 Lipids Springer
0956-666X Lipid technology
1863-5377 Lipid technology Wiley-VCH-Verl.
1210-3306 Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské Cukrspol; VUC Praha a.s.
1805-9708 Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské (e-vir) VUC Praha a.s.
0301-6226 Livestock Production Science Elsevier
0024-5399 Livsmedelsteknik ????.
0946-7726 LVT Industrievereinigung für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung e.V., München.; IVLV.; Forschungskreis der Ernährungsindustrie e.V., Bonn.; FEI.
1096-1127 LWT - Food science and technology (e-vir) Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology by Academic Press
0024-9297 Macromolecules American Chemical Society
1520-5835 Macromolecules (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1428-362X Magazyn Przemysłu Rybnego MPR.
1507-2509 Magazyn Przemysłu Spożywczego MPR.
1022-646X Majallah-i dānishkadah-i dāmpizishkī.; مجله دانشکده دامپزشکی Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, dānishkadah-i dāmpizishkī
1017-5652 Majallah-i ̒ulūm-i kishāvarzī-i Īrān.; مجله علوم کشاورزی ایران Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, dānishkadah-i kishavarzī
1323-1650 Marine & freshwater research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
1448-6059 Marine & freshwater research CSIRO Publishing
0025-3162 Marine Biology Springer-Verlag
1432-1793 Marine Biology (e-vir) Springer-Verlag
0141-1136 Marine environmental research Applied Science publishers
1879-0291 Marine environmental research (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0025-326X Marine pollution bulletin Macmillan
1879-3363 Marine pollution bulletin (e-vir) Elsevier
1210-4086 Maso České a slovenské odborné nakladatelství s.r.o.; Verinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno,Fakulta veterinární hygieny a ekologie
0140-6388 Meat demand trends / MLC Economic Information Service.
0309-1740 Meat science Applied Science Publishers
1873-4138 Meat science (e-vir) Elsevier
0025-8628 Medycyna Weterynaryjna Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
0187-8921 Micología neotropical aplicada Instituto de Micología Neotropical Aplicada
0891-060X Microbial ecology in health and disease Scandinavian University Press
1651-2235 Microbial ecology in health and disease (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0882-4010 Microbial pathogenesis Academic Press
1096-1208 Microbial pathogenesis (e-vir) Academic Press
0391-5352 Microbiologica Ponzio e Figlio
0944-5013 Microbiological research Urban u. Fischer; Elsevier
1618-0623 Microbiological research (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer
1350-0872 Microbiology Society for General Microbiology
1465-2080 Microbiology (e-vir)
1092-2172 Microbiology and molecular biology reviews American Society for Microbiology
1098-5557 Microbiology and molecular biology reviews (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0026-265X Microchemical journal Academic Press.
1095-9149 Microchemical journal (e-vir) Elsevier
0026-3672 Microchimica acta Springer
0265-6469 Middle East food trade & catering equipment International Trade Publications
0915-0471 Mie Daigaku Seibutsu Shigen Gakubu kiyäo Mie University. Faculty of Bioresources.
1436-5073 Mikrochimica acta (e-vir) Springer
0026-3788 Milchwissenschaft AVA Agrar-Verlag
2567-9538 Milk science international (e-vir) AVA-Verlag Allgäu
0465-4390 MIRINZ Meat Industry Research Institute of New Zealand.; MIRINZ Food Technology & Research (Organization); AgResearch. Food Systems & Technology.
1343-0289 Miruku saiensu Nihon Rakuno Kagakukai; Nihon rakuno kagakkai
0253-6749 Miscellaneous reports - Agricultural Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment.
0026-6841 Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene Bundesamt für Gesundheitswesen
2813-4710 Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene (e-vir) Schweiz; Schweiz; Eidgenössisches Gesundheitsamt; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Analytische und Angewandte Chemie; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lebensmittelhygiene
0007-5922 Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Früchteverwertung Höhere Bundeslehranstalt und Bundesamt für Wien
1018-7618 Mitteilungen - Österreichisches Getränke Institut Österreichisches Getränke Institut
0721-099X Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Fleischforschung, Kulmbach Bundesanstalt f"ur Fleischforschung
0544-6066 Miyazaki Daigaku Nogakubu, Kenkyu Hokoku Miyazaki Daigaku Nogakubu
0026-704X Mljekarstvo Hrvatsko mljekarsko društvo
1846-4025 Mljekarstvo.com (e-vir) Hrvatska mljekarska udruga
0149-2195 MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control
0890-8508 Molecular and cellular probes Academic Press
1096-1194 Molecular and cellular probes (e-vir) Academic Press
1073-6085 Molecular biotechnology Humana Press
1559-0305 Molecular biotechnology (e-vir) Humana Press
1380-3743 Molecular breeding Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-9788 Molecular breeding Kluwer
1617-4615 Molecular genetics and genomics Springer-Verlag
1617-4623 Molecular genetics and genomics (e-vir) Springer
0950-382X Molecular microbiology Blackwell Scientific
1365-2958 Molecular microbiology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0026-9026 Moločnaâ promyšlennost' Agropromizdat
0026-9034 Moločnoe i mâsnoe skotovodstvo Kolos
0723-1520 Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft Carl
1545-861X Morbidity and mortality weekly report (e-vir) U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control
0144-0551 Mushroom journal Mushroom Growers' Association
0027-5107 Mutation Research Elsevier
0269-915X Mycologist Cambridge University Press
0301-486X Mycopathologia Junk
1573-0832 Mycopathologia Kluwer
0178-7888 Mycotoxin research Hans W. Schmidt
1867-1632 Mycotoxin research (e-vir) Springer
0047-8539 Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences Comptroller, University of Agricultural Sciences
1511-8533 NAGA ICLARM - The World Fish Center.
0286-102X Nagano-ken Shokuhin Käogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Nagano State Laboratory of Food Technology.; Food Technology Research Institute of Nagano Prefecture.; Nagano Prefecture General Industrial Technology Center. Food Technology Department.
1521-3803 Nahrung = Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0028-0836 Nature Macmillan
1476-4687 Nature (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1087-0156 Nature biotechnology Nature Biotechnology
1546-1696 Nature biotechnology (e-vir) Nature America
0021-5260 Nettai Nogyo Tropical Agriculture Research Association Japan.; Tropical Agriculture Research Association of Japan.; Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture.; JSTA.
1461-4642 New food Russell Publishing
1464-3308 New nutrition business Centre for Food & Health Studies
1175-8775 New Zealand journal of agricultural research (e-vir) Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis
0028-8233 New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research Dep. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Publications Officer
0114-0671 New Zealand journal of crop and horticultural science DSIR Publishing
1175-8783 New Zealand journal of crop and horticultural science Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis
1001-9286 Niangjiu ke-ji Niangjiu Ke-Ji Zazhishe,
0021-4930 Nihon saikingaku zasshi Nihon Saikin Gakkai
1349-0990 Nihon sakumotsu gakkai kiji (e-vir) Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai
0011-1848 Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai kiji Crop Sicence Society of Japan.
0287-3516 Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkai
0914-7314 Nippon Jozo Kyokaishi Nippon Jozo Kyokai
0002-1407 Nippon Näogei Kagakukaishi Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan.; Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry.; Nihon Näogei Kagakkai.
0385-1559 Nippon Nōyaku Gakkaishi Nippon Nōyaku Gakkai
1341-027X Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Käogaku kaishi Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology.
0021-5392 Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi Nippon Suisan Gakkai
0029-1579 Nordisk veterinærmedicin Nordisk veterinærmedicin.
1598-6195 Nutraceuticals and Food Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
0899-9007 Nutrition Nutrition
1873-1244 Nutrition (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1446-6368 Nutrition & dietetics Dietitian Association of Australia
1747-0080 Nutrition & dietetics (e-vir) Dietitians Association of Australia
1839-3322 Nutrition & dietetics (e-vir) Dietitians Association of Australia.; Dow Jones Reuters Business Interactive LLC.; EBSCO Publishing (Firm); Thomson Gale (Firm)
0034-6659 Nutrition & food science Forbes
1758-6917 Nutrition & food science (e-vir) MCB University Press
0309-7749 Nutritional Services quarterly review National Dairy Council.
0260-1060 Nutrition and health AB Academic Publishers
2047-945X Nutrition and health (e-vir) AB Academic Publishers
0271-5317 Nutrition research Pergamon Press
1879-0739 Nutrition research (e-vir) Elsevier
0954-4224 Nutrition research reviews Cambridge University Press
1475-2700 Nutrition research reviews (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0029-6643 Nutrition reviews Intenational Life Sciences Institute
1753-4887 Nutrition reviews (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0029-666X Nutrition today Nutrition Today, inc., etc.
1538-9839 Nutrition today (e-vir) Published for the Florida Citrus Commission by C.F. Enloe]
1071-7323 Obesity research North American Association for the Study of Obesity
0470-925X Obihiro Chikusan Daigaku gakujutsu kenkyäu häokoku. Dai 1-bu Obihiro Zootechnical University.; Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
1023-2958 Obst- und Weinbau Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt
1258-8210 OCL John Libbey Eurotext
2272-6977 OCL. Oilseeds & fats crops and lipids EDP Sciences
1561-1280 Official journal of the European Communities (e-vir) Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
0267-8853 Oils & fats international International Trade Publications
2257-6614 Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids (e-vir) EDP Sciences
1950-697X Oléagineux corps gras lipides (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
0030-3348 Opakowanie Sigma-NOT
0030-7270 Outlook on agriculture Plant Protection Division, ICI
2043-6866 Outlook on agriculture (e-vir) IP Publishing
1014-8280 Packaging review South Africa National Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
0894-3214 Packaging technology & science Wiley
1099-1522 Packaging technology & science (e-vir) Wiley
0392-4718 Pasticceria internazionale Chiriotti Editore s.r.l..
1054-9803 PCR methods and applications Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
0095-3679 Peanut science American Peanut Research and Education Association.; American Peanut Research and Education Society.
0215-5176 Pepper News Indonesian International Pepper Community.
0480-0222 Perfectpac N. Sadasivan.
0272-2666 Perfumer & flavorist Allured Pub. Corp.
1440-768X Perspectives in food and nutrition Burson-Marsteller (Firm); Unifoods.
0100-736X Pesquisa veterinária brasileira Armando Amorim Publicidade.
1678-5150 Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (e-vir) Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal.
0970-6763 Pesticide research journal Society of Pesticide Science, India
1526-498X Pest management science John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1526-4998 Pest management science (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
1399-3054 Physiologia plantarum (e-vir) Blackwell
0031-9317 Physiologia Plantarum Wiley-Blackwell
0031-9384 Physiology & behavior Pergamon Press.
0031-9422 Phytochemistry Pergamon Press
0031-949X Phytopathology American Phytopathological Society
1943-7684 Phytopathology (e-vir) American Phytopathological Society]
0235-2486 Piŝevaâ promyšlennost' Gosudarstvennyj agropromyšlennyj komitet SSSR
1214-1178 Plant, soil and environment Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
1805-9368 Plant, Soil and Environment (e-vir) Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
1471-9053 Plant & cell physiology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1468-344X Plant & control engineering IML Group
0032-0935 Planta Springer-Verlag
1432-2048 Planta Springer
1439-0221 Planta medica (e-vir) Thieme.
0032-0943 Planta Medica Thieme; Thieme-Stratton
0032-0781 Plant and cell physiology Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists
1342-4580 Plant biotechnology Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
1347-6114 Plant biotechnology (e-vir) Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
0179-9541 Plant breeding Wiley-Blackwell
1439-0523 Plant breeding (e-vir) Blackwell
0721-7714 Plant cell reports Springer
1432-203X Plant cell reports (e-vir) Springer
0191-2917 Plant disease American Phytopathological Society
1943-7692 Plant disease (e-vir) American Phytopathological Society
0921-9668 Plant foods for human nutrition Kluwer Academic
1573-9104 Plant foods for human nutrition Kluwer
0167-6903 Plant growth regulation Nijhoff; Junk; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-5087 Plant growth regulation (e-vir) Kluwer
0167-4412 Plant molecular biology Nijhoff/Junk; Nijhoff/Junk; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-5028 Plant molecular biology (e-vir) Kluwer
0032-0889 Plant physiology American Society of Plant Physiologists
1532-2548 Plant physiology (e-vir) American Society of Plant Physiologists
0981-9428 Plant physiology and biochemistry Gauthier-Villars; Centrale des revues
1873-2690 Plant physiology and biochemistry (e-vir) ElsevierMasson
1343-943X Plant production science Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai.
1349-1008 Plant production science (e-vir) Crop Science Society of Japan
0168-9452 Plant science Elsevier
1873-2259 Plant science (e-vir) Elsevier
0952-3863 Plant varieties & seeds Blackwell Scientific Publications
0147-619X Plasmid Academic Press.
1095-9890 Plasmid (e-vir) Academic Press
1230-0322 Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
2083-6007 Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of Polish Academy of Sciences
1330-7142 Poljoprivreda Poljoprivredni institut; Poljoprivredni fakultet
1848-8080 Poljoprivreda (e-vir) Poljoprivredni fakultet : =; The Faculty of Agriculture; Poljoprivredni institut Osijek : =; The Osijek Agricultural Institut
0925-5214 Postharvest biology and technology Elsevier
1873-2356 Postharvest biology and technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0957-7505 Postharvest news and information CAB International
0014-3065 Potato research European association for potato research; Springer
1871-4528 Potato research Springer
0032-5740 Poultry Guide C. P. Narang Pvt. Ltd..
0032-5767 Poultry international Watt Pub. Co.
0032-5791 Poultry science Oxford University Press
1525-3171 Poultry science (e-vir) Poultry Science Association
0554-9043 Prace Instytutów i Laboratoriów Badawczych Przemysłu Spożywczego Wydawnictwo Naukowo-Techniczne
0747-2536 Prepared foods Gorman
0073-9677 Proceedings Institute of Refrigeration
0370-2057 Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Sugar Technologists' Association of India Sugar Technologists' Association of India
0027-8424 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America National Academy of Sciences
1091-6490 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (e-vir) National Academy of Sciences
0029-6651 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Cambridge University Press
1475-2719 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (e-vir) CABI Publishing
0110-4187 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand Nutrition Society of New Zealand. Conference.
0037-9727 Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Academic Press.
1525-1373 Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0032-9592 Process biochemistry Wheatland Journals
0924-3089 Process control and quality Elsevier Science Publishers
1568-5667 Process control and quality Elsevier
0079-6832 Progress in the chemistry of fats and other lipids Pergamon Press
0269-2139 Protein engineering IRL Press
1460-213X Protein engineering (e-vir) IRL
1046-5928 Protein expression and purification Academic Press
1096-0279 Protein expression and purification (e-vir) Academic Press
0887-3585 Proteins Alan R. Liss
1097-0134 Proteins (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0033-1988 Průmysl potravin MK Press
0033-2313 Przegląd Piekarski i Cukierniczy Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.
0033-2461 Przeglad Zbozowo-Mlynarski [Polskie Wydawn. Gospodarcze]
0137-2645 Przemysł Fermentacyjny i Owocowo-Warzywny Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.
0033-250X Przemysł Spożywczy Wydawictwo Czasopism i Ksiéażek Technicznych "Sigma"
1368-9800 Public health nutrition CAB International
1475-2727 Public health nutrition (e-vir) CABI Publishing; Cambridge University Press
0301-0422 Public health reviews École des hautes études en santé publique (Rennes); Association des écoles de santé publique de la région européenne
2107-6952 Public health reviews (e-vir) Presses de l'EHESP
0898-2112 Quality engineering Marcel Dekker
1532-4222 Quality engineering (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0195-4865 Quarterly bulletin / The Association,
0033-6416 Quick frozen foods international E. W. Williams
0926-5287 Reproduction, nutrition, development Editions Scientifique Elsevier
0181-1916 Reproduction, nutrition, développement Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0936-6768 Reproduction in domestic animals Parey
1439-0531 Reproduction in domestic animals (e-vir) Blackwell
1297-9708 Reproduction nutrition development (e-vir) EDP sciences
0034-513X Research and industry Sales and Distribution Officer, Publications and Information Directorate.
0374-4353 Research Disclosure Industrial Opportunities
0923-2508 Research in Microbiology Institut Pasteur; Elsevier
1532-2661 Research in veterinary science (e-vir) Harcourt.
0034-5288 Research in Veterinary Science British Veterinary Association
1058-7195 Review of agricultural economics Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University
1467-9353 Review of agricultural economics (e-vir) Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University
1659-1321 Revista agronomía mesoamericana (e-vir) Universidad de Costa Rica
1516-0572 Revista brasileira de plantas medicinais Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Biociências
1983-084X Revista brasileira de plantas medicinais Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Biociências
1415-5273 Revista de Nutrição Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Faculdade de Nutrição
1678-9865 Revista de Nutrição (e-vir) Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Faculdade de Nutrição
0253-570X Revista de salud animal Centro nacional de salud animal
2224-4700 Revista de salud animal Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria
2304-7623 Revista de salud animal (e-vir) Centro nacional de sanidad agropecuaria.; CENSA.
0073-9855 Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz Instituto Adolfo Lutz
1020-4989 Revista panamericana de salud pública = Organización panamericana de la salud.
1680-5348 Revista panamericana de salud pública = Pan American Health Organization; Also distributed by Scientific Electronic Library Online
0760-9868 Revue des oenologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et oenologiques Union nationale des oenologues France Bourgogne-Publications
0035-3590 Revue Laitiere Francaise Association Laitiere Francaise
1608-0637 Revue scientifique et technique (e-vir) Office international des épizooties.
0253-1933 Revue scientifique et technique - Office international des épizooties Office international des épizooties
0375-1325 Revue suisse d'agriculture Station fédérale de recherches agronomiques de Changins; Service romand de vulgarisation agricole
0375-1430 Revue suisse de viticulture, d'arboriculture et d'horticulture Station fédérale de recherches agronomiques de Changins; Service romand de vulgarisation agricole
0035-4511 Rheologica acta D. Steinkopff
1435-1528 Rheologica acta (e-vir) Springer
0035-4244 RIA Société d'édition et de promotion agricoles, industrielles et commerciales :; Météore,
1120-5326 Ricerche in elicicoltura Associazione Nazionale Elicicoltori.
0272-4332 Risk analysis Plenum Press
1539-6924 Risk analysis (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0304-0593 Rivista di ingegneria agraria Associazione italiana di genio rurale; Utenti motori agricoli; Associazione italiana di ingegneria agraria
0392-064X Rivista di merceologia Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice.
0370-7865 Rivista di Viticoltura e di Enologia Scarpis
0304-0607 Rivista di zootecnia e veterinaria Farmitalis.
0035-6808 Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria degli Olii e dei Grassi
0392-0445 Rivista italiana EPPOS Istituto Thetrahedron
0137-1657 Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
0035-7715 Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich.
2451-2311 Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny (e-vir) Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego - Państwowy Zakład Higieny
1001-8123 Roulei yanjiu Zhongguo Roulei Shipin Zonghe Yanjiu Zhongxin,
1000-9876 Roupin weisheng.; 肉品卫生 Roupin Weisheng Zazhishe
0235-2591 Sadovodstvo i vinogradarstvo Agropromizdat
1016-4383 Sarhad journal of agriculture N.W.F.P. Agricultural University
2224-5383 Sarhad journal of agriculture (e-vir) Agricultural University
1101-2706 Scandinavian dairy information De danske mejeriers fællesorganisation; Norske melkeprodusenters landsforbund; Mejeriernas centrallag Valio; Centrallaget Enigheten; Osta- og smjörsalan SF; Svenska mejeriernas riksförening; Valio
1102-6480 Scandinavian journal of nutrition SNF Swedish Nutrition Foundation.
1102-6510 Scandinavian journal of nutrition Stiftelsen Svensk näringsforskning
1651-2359 Scandinavian journal of nutrition (e-vir) Stiftelsen Svensk n©Þringsforskning.
0891-7035 Scanning microscopy Scanning Microscopy International
0036-7281 Schweizer Archiv fuer Tierheilkunde Orell Füssli Graphische Betriebe AG
1664-2848 Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde (e-vir) H. Huber, Hogrefe
0036-8075 Science American Association for the Advancement of Science
1095-9203 Science (e-vir) American Association for the Advancement of Science
0036-8156 Science and Culture Indian Science New Association
1353-3452 Science and engineering ethics Opragen.
1471-5546 Science and engineering ethics (e-vir) Opragen
0240-8813 Sciences des aliments Lavoisier abonnements
0582-2343 Scientia agriculturae bohemoslovaca Ústav vědeckotechnických informací; Československá akademie zemědělská - ÚVTIZ,Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0304-4238 Scientia horticulturae Elsevier
1879-1018 Scientia horticulturae (e-vir) Elsevier
0390-6361 Scienza e tecnica lattiero-casearia Associazione italiana tecnici del latte; Quine,
0037-010X Seafood Export Journal Sea Food Exporters Association of India.
0268-1293 Seafood international AGB Heighway
0960-2585 Seed science research CAB International
1475-2735 Seed science research (e-vir) CABI Publications
0101-3742 Semina Universidade Estadual de Londrina.
0253-8997 Shípěin käexué Zhäonghuá mínguó shípěinkäexué jìshu xuéhuì.
0253-990X Shípěin yěu fäajiào gäongyè Qäing gäongyè bù shípěin yěu fäajiào gäongyè käexué yánjiäusuěo.
1004-471X Shipin gongye Shanghai Shi Shipin Gongye Yanjiusuo,
1002-0306 Shipin gongye ke-ji Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-9989 Shipin ke-ji Shipin Ke-Ji Zazhishe
1002-6630 Shipin kexue Zhongguo Shipin Zazhishe
1003-5788 Shipin yu jixie Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-8357 Shiyongjun Shanghai Nong-Keyuan Qingbao Yanjiusuo,
0015-6426 Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi Nippon Shokuhin Eisei Gakkai
0387-1975 Shokuhin shosha Nihon Shokuhin Shosha Kenkyu Kyogikai
0910-8637 Shokuhin to biseibutsu Shokuhin Eisei Biseibutsu Kenkyukai; Nihon shokuhin biseibutsu gakkai
0436-2071 SIK-rapport SIK - Institutet för livsmedel och bioteknik
1330-0121 Sjemenarstvo Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo, Sekcija oplemenjivanja i sjemenarstva
0281-7233 SLV-rapport National Food Administration.; SLV.; Statens livsmedelsverk.
1522-8851 Small fruits review Haworth
1340-2773 Snow brand R & D reports Yukijirushi Nyūgyō; Yukijirushi nyugyo gijutsu kenkyujo; 雪印乳業技術研究所
0953-4776 Soft drinks management international British Soft Drinks Association.
0253-939X South African Journal for Enology and Viticulture South African Society for Enology and Viticulture
0375-1589 South African journal of animal science [s.n.]
2221-4062 South African journal of animal science (e-vir) South African Society for Animal Science
2224-7904 South African journal of enology and viticulture (e-vir) South African Society for Enology and Viticulture
0257-1862 South African journal of plant and soil Foundation for Education, Science and Technology. Bureau for Scientific Publications.; Stigting vir Onderwys, Wetenskap en Tegnologie. Buro vir wetenskaplike publikasies.; South African Society of Crop Production.; Suid- Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Gewasproduksie.; Soil Science Society of South Africa.; Grondkunde Vereniging van Suid Afrika.; Southern African Weed Science Society.; Suider-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Onkruidwetenskap.
2167-034X South African journal of plant and soil (e-vir) Bureau for Scientific Publications, Foundation for Education, Science and Technology
0038-3473 South Indian Horticulture South Indian Horticultural Association.
1695-971X Spanish journal of agricultural research Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Servicio de Publicaciones.
2171-9292 Spanish journal of agricultural research (e-vir) Servicio de Publicaciones INIA
1521-379X Stärke (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0351-0832 Stočarstvo Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo
1848-9044 Stočarstvo (e-vir) Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo
0039-5501 Suomen eläinlääkärilehti = Suomen eläinlääkäriyhdistys
0173-7643 Süsswarentechnik Rhenania-Fachverlag
0346-2250 Svensk veterinärtidning Sveriges veterinärmedicinska sällskap; Sveriges veterinärförbund
0723-2020 Systematic and applied microbiology Fischer
1605-2471 Taiwān nóngyè huàxué yǔ shípǐn kēxué Zhōngguó nóngyè huàxuìhuì; Zhōnghuá mínguó shípǐn kēxué jìshù xuéhuì
2148-9297 Tarim bilimleri dergisi (e-vir) Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi
1015-7174 Tea Tea Research Institute of East Africa.; T.R.I.E.A.
0040-0343 Tea & coffee trade journal Lockwood
0070-2315 Technical bulletin - Agricultural Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment.; Agricultural Research Institute
0743-9407 Technical quarterly / Master Brewers Association of the Americas.
0040-1862 Tecnica Molitoria Chiriotti Editore
0392-3835 Tecnologie alimentari Tecniche Nuove
1120-5334 Tecnologie alimentari. Sistemi per produrre Gruppo Editoriale Stammer
0494-9846 Tehnologija mesa Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa; Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
0905-5541 Teknisk rapport Danmark. Levnedsmiddelstyrelsen.
0802-3867 Tema fra Matforsk Matforsk.
0040-3229 Tennessee farm and home science; University of Tennessee, Knoxville.; University of Tennessee (Knoxville campus).
0912-1048 Tensai Kenkyukaiho Kammi Shigen Shinkokai; Nogyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko hokkaido nogyo kenkyu senta ;; Kanmi shigen shinkokai; Nihon tensai kenkyukai; Nihon tensai kenkyukai; Gurin tekuno banku tensai kenkyukai
0049-3589 Thai Journal of Agricultural Science The Agricultural Science Society of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty the King
0002-9165 The American journal of clinical nutrition American Society for Nutrition
1938-3207 The American journal of clinical nutrition (e-vir) The American Society for Nutrition, with the assistance of Highwire Press
0002-9246 The American journal of economics and sociology American Journal of Economics and Sociology
1536-7150 The American journal of economics and sociology (e-vir) American Journal of Economics and Sociology
0727-3606 The Australian Grapegrower & Winemaker Ryan Publication
0006-971X The Brewer's digest Siebel Pub. Co.
0006-9728 The brewers' guardian PJB
0096-3917 The Cancer letter [Cancer Letter, Inc.]; Cancer Letter Inc.
0923-0467 The chemical engineering journal and the biochemical engineering journal Elsevier Sequoia
0019-5146 The Indian Journal of Dairy Science Indian Dairy Association
0022-3174 The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women
1756-2651 The journal of biochemistry (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0021-9258 The Journal of biological chemistry American Society of Biological Chemists.
1041-2905 The Journal of essential oil research Allured Pub. Corp.
2163-8152 The Journal of essential oil research Allured Publishing Corporation; Allured Business Media; Taylor & Francis
1028-6098 The journal of food technology in Africa Institutional Communication Service Ltd.
0832-7823 The Journal of microwave power and electromagnetic energy International Microwave Power Institute
2472-4041 The Journal of microwave power and electromagnetic energy (e-vir) International Microwave Power Institute.
0022-3166 The Journal of nutrition Oxford University Press
1541-6100 The Journal of nutrition (e-vir) American Institute of Nutrition
1279-7707 The Journal of nutrition, health & aging Serdi; Springer
1760-4788 The Journal of nutrition, health and aging (e-vir) Serdi
0955-2863 The Journal of nutritional biochemistry Butterworth Publishers
1873-4847 The Journal of nutritional biochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1089-5639 The journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society
1089-5647 The journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society
1520-5215 The journal of physical chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0896-8446 The Journal of supercritical fluids PRA Press
1872-8162 The Journal of supercritical fluids (e-vir) Elsevier
1466-4240 The journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health The Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
0140-6736 The Lancet J. Onwhyn; Elsevier
1474-547X The Lancet (e-vir) Elsevier; Lancet Publishing Group
0028-4793 The New England journal of medicine Massachusetts Medical Society
1533-4406 The New England journal of medicine (e-vir) Massachusetts Medical Society, NEJM Group
1469-8137 The new phytologist (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
0028-646X The New phytologist Academic Press.
1532-298X The plant cell (e-vir) American Society of Plant Physiologists
1040-4651 The Plant cell American Society of Plant Physiologists
0960-7412 The plant journal Blackwell Scientific
1365-313X The plant journal (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0033-4324 The Punjab Horticultural Journal Punjab State Co-operative Fruit Development Federation Ltd.
0081-4539 The STATE of food and agriculture Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
2331-8546 The tea & coffee trade journal (e-vir)
1090-0233 The veterinary journal Ballière Tindall
1532-2971 The veterinary journal (e-vir) Harcourt
1875-5941 The Veterinary quarterly Euroscience
2042-7670 The veterinary record (e-vir) British Veterinary Association
1566-6611 The world of food ingredients C&S Publishers
0049-3864 Tierärztliche Umschau Terra-Verl. Heizmann
0040-8719 Tohoku Journal of Agricultural Research Täohoku Daigaku. Daigakuin. Näogaku Kenkyäuka.; Täohoku Daigaku. Näogakubu.
0375-9202 Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku nogaku shuho Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku
0082-4771 Tokyo Toritsu Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu nempäo Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health.
0883-5691 Topics in clinical nutrition Aspen Publishers
1550-5146 Topics in clinical nutrition (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
0277-2248 Toxicological and environmental chemistry Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1029-0486 Toxicological and environmental chemistry Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0092-9867 Toxicological and environmental chemistry reviews Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0300-483X Toxicology North-Holland Publishing
1879-3185 Toxicology (e-vir) Elsevier
1026-7832 Toxicology and environmental chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0378-4274 Toxicology letters Elsevier/North-Holland
1879-3169 Toxicology letters (e-vir) Elsevier
0165-9936 TrAC Elsevier
1879-3142 TrAC trends in analytical chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
1012-4918 Training for agriculture and rural development FAO.
0001-2351 Transactions of the ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers
0412-6300 Transactions of the Citrus Engineering Conference American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Florida Section.
0924-2244 Trends in food science & technology Elsevier Trends Journals
1879-3053 Trends in food science & technology (e-vir) Elsevier
1360-1385 Trends in Plant Science Elsevier Science
1878-4372 Trends in Plant Science (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
0041-3216 Tropical agriculture School of Agriculture.
0041-3291 Tropical science Tropical Products Institute
1556-9179 Tropical science John Wiley & Sons
0042-2657 V°ar föda Statens livsmedelsverk.
0042-2886 Vatten Föreningen Vatten; Föreningen för vattenhygien
0042-4307 Verpackungs-Rundschau P. Keppler KG
0375-8427 Veterinární medicína Česká akademie zemědělských věd-Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací
1805-9392 Veterinární medicína (e-vir) Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
0165-2176 Veterinary quarterly Nijhoff
0042-4900 Veterinary record British Veterinary Association
0928-4249 Veterinary research Editions scientifiques d'Elsevier
1297-9716 Veterinary research (e-vir) EDP sciences; BioMed Central
0241-0389 Viandes et produits carnés Association pour le développement de l'Institut de la viande
0390-0479 Vignevini Edagricole
0042-6822 Virology Academic Press.
1096-0341 Virology (e-vir) Academic Press; Elsevier
0042-7500 Vitis Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof des Julius Kühn-Instituts, Bundesforschungsanstalt für Kulturpflanzen
2367-4156 Vitis (e-vir) Bundesforschungsanstalt für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof; Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof
0862-5549 Vodní hospodářství Zemědělské nakladatelství Brázda
1389-7608 Voeding nu Voedingscentrum
0042-7934 Voedingsmiddelen technologie Noordervliet; Keesing Noordervliet
0042-8833 Voprosy pitaniâ Medicina; GÈOTAR-Media
1235-0621 VTT publications Technical Research Centre of Finland.; VTT.; Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus.
0357-9387 VTT symposium Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT)
1235-0605 VTT tiedotteita VTT.; Statens tekniska forskningscentral.; Technical Research Centre of Finland.; Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus.
1211-846X Výživa a potraviny Výživaservis s.r.o.; Společnost pro výživu
1436-9095 Wasser und Abfall
0954-7711 Waterline Industrial Water Society.; Water Management Society,
1360-8037 Water management international Sterling.
0043-1354 Water research Pergamon Press
1879-2448 Water Research (e-vir) Pergamon
0378-4738 Water SA Water Research Commission
1816-7950 Water SA (e-vir) Water Research Commission
0375-8818 Wein-Wissenschaft Fraund
0043-2512 Welt der Milch Heinrichs
0300-0923 WHO food additives series World Health Organization.
0043-535X Wiener Tierärztliche Monatschrift OSTAG
1743-4777 World's poultry science journal (e-vir) CABI Publishing; Cambridge University Press
0043-9339 World's Poultry Science Journal World's Poultry Science Association
1363-2604 World commodity profiles Economist Intelligence Unit.
0963-4894 World food regulation review BNA International.
1752-7449 World food regulation review Research Information Ltd.
0512-3054 World Health Organization, Technical report series World Health Organization
0959-3993 World journal of microbiology & biotechnology Rapid Communications of Oxford
1573-0972 World journal of microbiology & biotechnology (e-vir) Kluwer
1388-3119 World poultry Reed Bussines International Agri Media
0084-2230 World review of nutrition and dietetics S. Karger
1009-038X Wuxi Qinggong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0031-6903 Yakugaku zasshi Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.
1347-5231 Yakugaku zasshi = Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
1021-9498 Yàowù shípěin fäenxäi Xíngzhèng yuàn wèishäeng shěu yàowù shípěin jiǎnyàn jú.
2224-6614 Yàowù shípin fenxi (e-vir) Xíngzhèng yuàn wèisheng shu yàowù shípin jiǎnyàn jú; Elsevier Taiwan LLC
0749-503X Yeast Wiley
1097-0061 Yeast (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1004-390X Yunnan Nongye Daxue xuebao Yunnan Nongye Daxue,
0044-264X Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft Steinkopff
1435-1293 Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft Steinkopff.
0044-2887 Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft Paul Parey
0722-5733 ZFL Hüthig
1000-2111 Zhejiang Nongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjishi
1671-1629 Zhengzhou Gongcheng Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-3150 Zhongguo chaye Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Chaye Yanjiusuo,
1003-0174 Zhongguo liang-you xuebao Zhongguo Liang-You Xuehui,
0578-1752 Zhongguo nongye Kexue Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan
1001-2230 Zhongguo rupin gongye Quanguo Rupin Gongye Ke-Ji Qingbaozhan
1003-8310 Zhongguo shiyongjun Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-6346 Zhongguo shucai Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Shucaisuo,
0253-9187 Zhōngguó xùmù xuéhuì huìzhì Zhōngguó xùmù xuéhuì
0254-5101 Zhonghua weishengwuxue he mianyixue zazhi Weishengbu Beijing Shengwu Zhipin Yanjiusuo
0351-0999 Žito hleb Zavod za tehnologiju žita i brašna
0044-4847 Živočišná výroba Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací
0514-7441 Zivotnov'dni nauki B'lgarska akademiâ na naukite
2534-9856 Životnovʺdni nauki; Животновъдни науки (e-vir) Selskostopanska akademiâ; Селскостопанска академия
0342-3476 ZLR Dt. Fachverl.
1430-2446 ZSW SweetCom.
0044-5401 Züchtungskunde Verlag Eugen Ulmer
0344-8657 Zuckerindustrie Bartens
1425-6959 Żywność, Technologia, Jakość Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów Żywności. Oddział Małopolski

Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti iz spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Nekateri so tekoči, drugi kumulativni in vključujejo tudi starejše revije, ki ne izhajajo več (npr. iz časa nekdanje Jugoslavije, če je bil sedež izdajatelja v Sloveniji). Vključene niso revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznami revij sploh niso dostopni. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen.

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